How Much Are Preschool Fees in Malaysia?

6 thoughts on “How Much Are Preschool Fees in Malaysia?”

    1. Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Unfortunately we are not able to disclose our fee structure through online platforms. Do you mind to provide us with the following information so that we can further assist you in this matter:

      1. Child’s age.
      2. Interested location / centre.
      3. Contact number.

    1. Hello, maaf tetapi yuran persekolahan hanya boleh didapati melalui cawangan Q-dees kami. Bolehkah anda memberikan maklumat berikut supaya pihak kami boleh membantu anda?
      1. umur anak
      2. nombor telefon
      3. lokasi anda

    1. Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Unfortunately we are not able to disclose our fee structure through online platforms.
      Do you mind to provide us the following information so that we can further assist you in this matter:
      1. Child’s age
      2. Interested location / centre
      3. Contact number

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